The power of the challenge to fly high for the future

Tosho Central Co., Ltd. was established in 1980 fully financed by Central Glass Co., Ltd. aiming at the sales of many kinds of goods. Since then, we have been widely answering to the demand of our clients in the field of chemicals, building materials and a variety of services. We have been attempting aggressively to strengthen the sales network and the progress of our keen interest in newly established field. Through corresponding to the needs in the market which diversify every time, we have obtained the reliance of our clients. This is the main source of our base we rely on today.

Purpose of business

  • Sales of the following goods: Chemicals, synthetic resins, glass fiber, petroleum products.
    Packing materials, interior/exterior construction materials, and equipment.
    Foodstuffs, beverages, fertilizer, cattle feed, miscellaneous goods.
  • Import/export of the above products.
  • Accident and life insurance brokerage.
  • Dealer in secondhand articles.

Foreign Trade

We mainly export Central Glass products to foreign countries and import raw materials and others for Central Glass group.

Products and Services


We import chemicals, plant machinery, parts and others from foreign countries for Central Glass Group.